Monday, September 9, 2013

Free Watching Pieta Movie From Home

Winner of the Golden Lion at the 2012 Venice Film Festival, Pieta is the acclaimed film from the celebrated and controversial Korean director Kim Ki-Duk (Bad Guy; Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... And Spring; 3-Iron). In this intense and haunting story, a loan shark living an isolated and lonely existence uses brutality to threaten and collect paybacks from desperate borrowers for his moneylender boss. He proficiently and mercilessly collects the debts without regard to the pain he causes his countless victims. One day, a mysterious woman appears in front of him claiming to be his long-lost mother. After coldly rejecting her at first, he gradually accepts her in his life and decides to quit his cruel job and seek a decent, redemptive life. However, he soon discovers a dark secret stemming from his past and realizes it may be too late to escape the horrific consequences already set in motion from his previous life. (c) Drafthouse Films
Release Date Pieta May 17, 2013 Limited
If You Like this movie you can streaming Pieta movie without downloading HERE

Actors For Pieta

Jo Min-soo,Lee Jungjin,Eunjin Kang,Jae-rok Kim,Jin Yong-Ok,Min Soo Jo,Cho Min-soo,Jeong-jin Lee,Jo Jae-ryong,Lee Myeong-ja,Woo Gi-hong

Genres Pieta : Drama

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Pieta

User Ranting Pieta : 3.7
User Percentage For Pieta : 73 %
User Count Like for Pieta : 2,002
All Critics Ranting For Pieta : 6.6
All Critics Count For Pieta : 46
All Critics Percentage For Pieta : 76 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Pieta movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Pieta

A loan shark is forced to reconsider his violent lifestyle after the arrival of a mysterious woman claiming to be his long-lost mother.

TagLine Pieta

Trailer For Pieta


Review For Pieta

There is a touch too much of the handheld camera, but in general one senses that the very quality of the way this film was made is one of its justifications for being and for its raw moments.
Stanley Kauffmann-The New Republic

After being subjected to disturbing scenes of abject cruelty, rape and torture, my reactions shifted from squeamish revulsion to a reluctant yet growing appreciation for Kim's thematic ambition.
Jeff Shannon-Seattle Times

Fascination returns at the stirring climax, when the plot neatly twists and the film's apparently simple message turns deeper, and blacker.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

A mother's love for her child takes on brutal new meaning in Pieta, a film by Kim Ki-duk that's as hard to watch as it is to forget.
Peter Howell-Toronto Star

Like many South Korean films, revenge is a major theme here, although the way Kim handles it is particularly subtle and surprising: It sneaks up on you.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

May not rank with the operatic madness of Park Chan-wook, or the visceral overkill of Kim Jee-woon, but if you're still not sick of feeling sick, then Pieta might be the movie for you.

Oedipal metaphysics give way to something altogether more mundane, but Jo and Lee are committed leads, the former carrying the burden of the movie with motherly care and attention.
Mark Kermode-Observer [UK]

Kim intends a parable about capitalism run amok, which is about as subtle as a wrecking ball aimed at the World Bank.
Tim Robey-Daily Telegraph

Dark and twisted but without the depth to back it up, Pietà is determined to provoke controversy at the expense of characterisation.
Neil Alcock-Film4

The film is far from a masterpiece ... but it bristles with Kim's trademark anger and agony.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

A vicious, unrelenting and bleak drama depicting the devastating effect of the current economic climate on society.
Katherine McLaughlin-ViewLondon

Repellent on every level.
Glenn Heath Jr.-Little White Lies

Anyone who can get past its surface aggression will discover one of the more delicately crafted character studies of modern cinema, and a testament to the talent of director Kim Ki-duk, who continues to shock and astound in equal measure.
Evrim Ersoy-Electric Sheep

This film will split opinions, but one thing we can all rejoice in together, is witnessing the unhappiest blowing out of candles on a birthday cake you'll see on the big screen in a long while!
Stefan Pape-HeyUGuys

Pieta is the kind of film that sends sensitive audiences rushing towards the exit and yet for those who remain to the bitter end there is method in all of this savagery, purpose visible through the grey clouds of unrelenting bleakness.
Allan Hunter-The List

As the intensity ramps up, Pieta skews more towards silliness than shock.
Andrew Lowry-Total Film

It's compelling stuff, a film that starts out as one thing but subtly shifts to become something else entirely.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune

Kim crafts a quietly powerful, character-driven morality tale that is less about the relationship between mother and son than it is about money and happiness.

A gangster story with a latent conscience.

The film's big reveal may not come as that much of a surprise; you may figure out where it's going well before the end. But it's the getting there that is, if not exactly fun, then certainly hypnotic.
Cary Darling-Fort Worth Star-Telegram/

[A] lurid but undeniably powerful story, and the lead performances are compelling.
Frank Swietek-One Guy's Opinion

By the time the last dark plot twist rolls around, any dollop of emotional connection has been diluted in a sea of empty unpleasantness.
Marc Mohan-Oregonian

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