Friday, July 12, 2013

Free Watching Amour Movie From Home

Georges and Anne are in their eighties. They are cultivated, retired music teachers. Their daughter, who is also a musician, lives abroad with her family. One day, Anne has an attack. The couple's bond of love is severely tested. -- (C) Official Site PG-13
Release Date Amour Dec 19, 2012 Wide
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Actors For Amour

Jean-Louis Trintignant,Emmanuelle Riva,Isabelle Huppert

Genres Amour : Art House & International,Drama

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Amour

User Ranting Amour : 4
User Percentage For Amour : 83 %
User Count Like for Amour : 13,513
All Critics Ranting For Amour : 8.7
All Critics Count For Amour : 186
All Critics Percentage For Amour : 94 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Amour movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Amour

TagLine Amour

Trailer For Amour


Review For Amour

This is realism that enlarges our conception of the term.
Stanley Kauffmann-The New Republic

Now at the end of the year comes a masterpiece, not just the best of the year, but one of the best ever: Michael Haneke's Amour.
David Thomson-The New Republic

Trintignant perfectly captures the resolve that eventually borders on obsession, as the woman he loves gradually, maddeningly, disappears before his eyes, and he does whatever he can to prevent it, though he knows it's impossible.
Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic

Many viewers will find echoes of their grandparents, parents, or even themselves in these characters.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews

A movie that is utterly worthy of its all-encompassing title.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post

The resulting interplay of ruthless restraint and unavoidable passion, plus the film's refusal to shrink from depicting the inevitable horrors of physical deterioration, is devastating.
Kenneth Turan-Los Angeles Times

It leaves you spent, depressed and intensely afraid of the future. In some ways that's admirable, but like our fallible bodies, it gets old - fast.
Al Alexander-The Patriot Ledger

Haneke has created a gift for both audiences and the two legendary actors cast in the lead roles.
Matt Kelemen-Las Vegas CityLife

In a film that's so explicitly cathartic for the filmmaker, there's a whole lotta catharsis withheld for the audience.
Sara Maria Vizcarrondo-Movies With Butter

While [director Michael] Haneke's love of long takes invite you to stare into the corrugated faces of Georges and Anne as their worlds change, there is a leaden quality to many stretches of the film that assume a profundity that simply isn't there.
Jim Schembri-3AW

Powerful piece of cinema that forces us to confront death and something even worse; the prospect of outliving the love of one's life
Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie

This beautifully-handled, deeply devastating work is all about the most human issue of all: we're all headed for the scrap-heap.
David 'Mad Dog' Bradley-Rip It Up

Movingly acted and extremely harrowing.

Rarely has this subject matter been depicted so realistically, so honestly. You always know where the story is heading but it's still tough to watch.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

The scenario is upsetting, but the execution is genuine and pure, making Amour a film of heartbreaking beauty and Haneke's masterpiece.
Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy

Amour will now rate highly on a list of my favorite horror movies. It's certainly upsetting. But that is its strength.
Jeffrey Overstreet-Looking Closer

This is a profound look at love about a couple who have lived with each other for so many years, know each other so well and this terrible thing that is facing them and there's a serenity there which makes it even more moving, I think.
David Stratton-At the Movies (Australia)

It's Haneke's searing honesty and lack of sentimentality, and his talent as a writer-filmmaker that lifts this film to the heights of achievement. I know that the storyline may sound gloomy, the film is not. It is beyond wonderful.
Margaret Pomeranz-At the Movies (Australia)

Ultimately, the title of the film demands to be taken as a question: is this truly what love looks like? A little smugly, Haneke refuses to answer.
Jake Wilson-The Age (Australia)

A multiple award winner at film festivals around the globe, and it is easy to see why. Highly recommended.
Leigh Paatsch-Herald Sun (Australia)

Michael Haneke's most intimate and painfully truthful film - an exploration of what love means at the far end of life.
Simon Weaving-Screenwize

This is a movie almost too painful to watch at times, yet so masterfully composed and acted - Riva absolutely deserves her Oscar nomination, while Trintignant was robbed - that it's impossible to turn away.
Steve Persall-Tampa Bay Times

Georges' irreversible decision may be courageous, but it requires no sacrifice on the part of his creator: for Haneke, it's business as usual.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Trintignant and Riva are unforgettably brilliant as the aging couple we can all identify with.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

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