Thursday, July 18, 2013

Free Watching Ginger & Rosa Movie From Home

London, 1962. Two teenage girls - GINGER & ROSA - are inseparable. They skip school together, talk about love, religion and politics and dream of lives bigger than their mothers' domesticity. But the growing threat of nuclear war casts a shadow over their lives. Ginger (Elle Fanning) is drawn to poetry and protest, while Rosa (Alice Englert) shows Ginger how to smoke cigarettes, kiss boys and pray. Both rebel against their mothers: Rosa's single mum, Anoushka (Jodhi May), and Ginger's frustrated painter mother, Natalie (Christina Hendricks). Meanwhile, Ginger's pacifist father, Roland (Alessandro Nivola) seems a romantic, bohemian figure to the girls. He encourages Ginger's 'Ban-the-Bomb' activism, while Rosa starts to take a very different interest in him. As Ginger's parents fight and fall apart, Ginger finds emotional sanctuary with a gay couple, both named Mark (Timothy Spall and Oliver Platt), and their American friend, the poet Bella (Annette Bening). Finally, as the Cuban Missile Crisis escalates - and it seems the world itself may come to an end - the lifelong friendship of the two girls is shattered. Ginger clutches at one hope; if she can help save the world from extinction, perhaps she too will survive this moment of personal devastation. (c) A24
Release Date Ginger & Rosa Mar 15, 2013 Limited
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Actors For Ginger & Rosa

Elle Fanning,Alice Englert,Jodhi May,Christina Hendricks,Annette Bening,Alessandro Nivola,Oliver Platt,Timothy Spall

Genres Ginger & Rosa : Drama

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Ginger & Rosa

User Ranting Ginger & Rosa : 3.3
User Percentage For Ginger & Rosa : %
User Count Like for Ginger & Rosa : 2,569
All Critics Ranting For Ginger & Rosa : 6.7
All Critics Count For Ginger & Rosa : 100
All Critics Percentage For Ginger & Rosa : 80 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Ginger & Rosa movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Ginger & Rosa

London, 1962: Two teenage girls, Ginger and Rosa, are inseparable. They play truant together, discuss religion, politics and hairstyles, and dream of lives bigger than their mothers' frustrated domesticity. But as the Cold War meets the sexual revolution, the lifelong friendship of the two girls is threatened.

TagLine Ginger & Rosa

Trailer For Ginger & Rosa


Review For Ginger & Rosa

Coming from anyone else, Ginger & Rosa would be a sensitive if predictable coming-of-age tale set in the mists of the distant past. But coming from writer-director Sally Potter, it's a major surprise.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

A near-flawless film, beautifully shot and cut, excitingly performed and deeply felt.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

Fanning is nearly perfect as Ginger navigates choppier waters than most teens have to. There is not a false note in her performance; no matter how melodramatic things become, everything about Ginger remains genuine.
Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic

Elle Fanning is scary. Scarily good.
Steven Rea-Philadelphia Inquirer

In all respects, this is the completely captivating Fanning's picture.
Linda Barnard-Toronto Star

Potter has a rich compositional eye, but she wisely trims the fat from the dialogue, which dances around most of the melodrama until an explosive last act.
Joe Williams-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

The complexity of the characters and the simplicity of the story balance out to a rewarding coming-of-age drama for adults.
Eric D.

As if adolescence didn't involve enough angst already.
Violet Lucca-Film Comment Magazine

With a rich sense of lived experience, Potter first portrays the blithe excitement and sense of joyful conspiracy shared by the two friends.
Nicolas Rapold-Film Comment Magazine

...probably Potter's most accessible movie to date, but the script is perhaps nothing special ...
Philip Martin-Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Nuclear anxiety becomes a distraction from teenage pressures and a projection of potentially explosive emotional distress in this beautifully acted character drama.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

The gifted Elle Fanning turns in an extraordinary performance, although Sally Potter's film is otherwise built on a flimsy, soap-opera story.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune

Assured but bleak art-house girl's coming-of-age film that combines politics and personal matters.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

Despite some narrative missteps, Ginger & Rosa should be seen simply for Fanning's exceptional performance, the sort of revelatory turn that makes us feel as if the next generation of film is in capable hands.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

Fanning -- a startlingly alert and microemotive young actress -- breathes real feeling into the part, while the jazz soundtrack (John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk, Sidney Bechet) rouses this sensitive film from its drowsier inclinations.
Kimberley Jones-Austin Chronicle

Fanning heartbreakingly expresses hurt with seemingly with every fiber of her being. Her family implodes as much as the world seems about to during those 13 days in October.
Nora Lee

Fanning brings such a groundedness and authenticity to the film's central role that you stick with her every step of the way.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI)

"Ginger & Rosa" is another one of those films that feels like it's attempting to cover too much, and by doing so, ends up spreading itself rather thin across all of the areas it tries to encompass.

Even seemingly ordinary scenes of girlfriends bonding - ironing hair, wearing jeans in the bathtub to shrink them, hitchhiking - are fraught with the sense of the external forces that will divide them.
Duane Dudek-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

The great gift of Ginger & Rosa is Potter's willingness to let her camera observe these gifted young actresses without judgment, and to create the illusion of ordinary life unfolding before your eyes.
Sarah Boslaugh-PopMatters

Without turning sentimental or heavy-handed, Potter strikes a nice balance between the more intimate character moments and the broader political context, and Fanning is terrific as the girl caught in the middle.

Ginger's teen angst could have easily become mopey or self-righteous, but Fanning stays true to the heart of her character even as her world is crumbling around her.
Mathew DeKinder-Suburban Journals of St. Louis

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