Thursday, August 15, 2013

Free Watching Room 237 Movie From Home

Many movies lend themselves to dramatic interpretations, but none as rich and far ranging as Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. In LA filmmaker Rodney Ascher's ROOM 237, we hear from people who have developed far-reaching theories and believe they have decoded the hidden symbols and messages buried in the late director's film. Carefully examining The Shining inside out, and forwards and backwards, ROOM 237 is equal parts captivating, provocative and pure pleasure. It gives voice to the fans and scholars who espouse these theories, reworking the film to match their ideas and intercutting it with layers of dreamlike imagery to illustrate their streams of consciousness. Sometimes outrageous, always engaging, the words of the interviewees are given full force by Ascher's compelling vision. Also featured at the 2012 Sundance, Cannes and Toronto film festivals. Opens in March 2013 through IFC Midnight. (104 min.)
Release Date Room 237 Mar 29, 2013 Limited
If You Like this movie you can streaming Room 237 movie without downloading HERE

Actors For Room 237

Bill Blakemore,Geoffrey Cocks,Juli Kearns,John Fell Ryan,Jay Weldner,Buffy Visick

Genres Room 237 : Documentary,Television,Horror

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Room 237

User Ranting Room 237 : 3.4
User Percentage For Room 237 : 61 %
User Count Like for Room 237 : 7,115
All Critics Ranting For Room 237 : 7.6
All Critics Count For Room 237 : 120
All Critics Percentage For Room 237 : 93 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Room 237 movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Room 237

A subjective documentary that explores the numerous theories about the hidden meanings within Stanley Kubrick's film The Shining. The film may be over 30 years old but it continues to inspire debate, speculation, and mystery. Five very different points of view are illuminated through voice over, film clips, animation and dramatic reenactments. Together they'll draw the audience into a new maze, one with endless detours and dead ends, many ways in, but no way out.

TagLine Room 237

Some movies stay with you forever... and ever... and ever.

Trailer For Room 237


Review For Room 237

A curious and entertaining documentary.
David Thomson-The New Republic

The human brain is a marvellously suggestible organ.
Peter Howell-Toronto Star

[A] strange, frustrating, occasionally fascinating doc ...
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

"Room 237" evolves from an ode to movie love at its most delirious to a wry examination of the crackpot mind at work.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

There's enough real evidence supporting the theory that Kubrick was a genius, and that's pretty entertaining all by itself.
John Anderson-Newsday

It's about the human need for stuff to make sense - especially overpowering emotional experiences - and the tendency for some people to take that sense-making to extremes.
Ty Burr-Boston Globe

Inelegant in the way it assembles all this stuff ... but anyone who's ever obsessed over the subtext of a beloved movie will find it amusing.
Eric D.

An intellectual exercise, and an entertaining one, especially for those who don't want to label The Shining as just a ghost story.

It has the same entertainment value as listening to a late-night radio host indulge his listeners on Roswell, Area 51 and 9/11. Everything sounds completely crackers, until it all makes crazy sense.

What emerges from Room 237 is not a denigration of conspiracies, but a kind of celebration of our ability to create patterns where (perhaps) none exist.
Chris Knight-National Post

"Room 237" could become an essential companion piece to "The Shining" from now on. For those who see both, it will be impossible to think about one without the other.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-San Francisco Examiner

...all about the work of criticism - finding fresh avenues of delight.
Philip Martin-Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Watching it makes you feel like you're attending a really entertaining film class where your classmates confidently let their freak flags fly.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press

It's an essay about the human need to reject the notion of a random universe and find order and meaning in existence. These people are developing their own creation myths, with Kubrick the mastermind responsible for the Intelligent Design.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Termitic film nerds could chow down for years on the wood chips.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

You know when "Room 237″ starts getting really scary? When the people in the film start making sense.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI)

Kubrick fans and movie geeks will want to check this film out as soon as possible
John A. Nesbit-Old School Reviews

Kubrick fans will take 'Shining' to 'Room 237.'
James Verniere-Boston Herald

The credibility of these theories ranges from faintly plausible to frankly ridiculous, but Ascher isn't interested in judging them; his movie is more about the joys of deconstruction and the special kind of obsession that movies can inspire.
Marc Mohan-Oregonian

Some of the interpretations seem more of a stretch than others but all are entertainingly presented by director Rodney Ascher. (The movie) serves as a testament to Stanley Kubrick's cinematic mastery.
Fr. Chris Carpenter-Movie Dearest

Movie Images Room 237

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