Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Free Watching Trance Movie From Home

Simon (James McAvoy), a fine art auctioneer, teams up with a criminal gang to steal a Goya painting worth millions of dollars, but after suffering a blow to the head during the heist he awakens to discover he has no memory of where he hid the painting. When physical threats and torture fail to produce answers, the gang's leader Frank (Vincent Cassel) hires hypnotherapist Elizabeth Lamb (Rosario Dawson) to delve into the darkest recesses of Simon's psyche. As Elizabeth begins to unravel Simon's broken subconscious, the lines between truth, suggestion, and deceit begin to blur. (c)Fox Searchlight
Release Date Trance Apr 5, 2013 Limited
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Actors For Trance

James McAvoy,Vincent Cassel,Rosario Dawson,Matt Cross,Wahab Sheikh,Danny Sapani,Mark Poltimore,Tuppence Middleton,Simon Kunz,Michael Shaeffer,Tony Jayawardena,Vincent Montuel,Jai Rajani,Spencer Wilding,Gursharan Chaggar,Edward Rising,Michael Fassbender

Genres Trance : Mystery & Suspense,Special Interest

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Trance

User Ranting Trance : 3.6
User Percentage For Trance : 69 %
User Count Like for Trance : 16,384
All Critics Ranting For Trance : 6.5
All Critics Count For Trance : 160
All Critics Percentage For Trance : 69 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Trance movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Trance

Trance follows an art heist that goes wrong when the heist’s leader receives a blow to the head during one operation, and begins to suffer from amnesia â€" the location of a painting they’ve nicked is a mystery.

TagLine Trance

Don't be a hero

Trailer For Trance


Review For Trance

Trance is to Danny Boyle more or less as Side Effects was to Steven Soderbergh: an arty spin on a trashy B-movie, engineered to showcase the director's particular gifts.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic

The story draws us in even through the murk.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

Dawson walks through this film with majestic confidence while McAvoy is constantly inches from a full breakdown. And Boyle keeps that tension mesmerizing.
Tom Long-Detroit News

I came away wondering whether the headache I left the theater with was such a bad -- or even unintentional -- thing after all.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

The plot of Trance is purposely convoluted - you're supposed to get more and more confused as the story unfolds, not always sure if what you're watching is a dream.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

[Boyle] leaves it to the audience to try to figure out just what's up, and what's going down, in this sleek psychological puzzler.
Soren Anderson-Seattle Times

[Director Danny] Boyle has not only delivered a first-rate thriller, he has produced a film that should inspire healthy debate... both about its plotting and characters. In a world of disposable entertainment, it is a lasting piece of art.
Forrest Hartman-Gannett News Service

The trance angle adds an interesting dimension to an otherwise routine crime caper flick.
James Plath-Movie Metropolis

Multi-layered and beautifully-filmed by Oscar winner Danny Boyle, this drama lets viewers into the world of art and hypnosis in a tale that should be talked about long after the credits roll.
John Hanlon-Big Hollywood

It's a film that blurs several lines - including those between fantasy and reality, heroes and villains, and fact and fiction - and does so in a way that puts a fresh and compelling spin on contemporary film noir and heist pictures.

A complex, breakneck and stirring modern thriller, superb in both execution and conceptual ideas even if it is a little over-indulgent.
Sam Bathe-Fan The Fire

An occasionally frustrating and far-fetched psychological thriller with enough deceptive plot switchbacks and visual tricks for three movies.

At least the film looks great, but without much of a spark, 'Trance' can only make you sleepy - very sleepy.
Al Alexander-The Patriot Ledger

The unpredictable journey through fluid and malleable concepts of reality and identity is consistently gripping.

Aparentemente, Danny Boyle encontra-se encantado demais pelas possibilidades da lógica visual que criou para se incomodar com a (falta de) lógica da história que está contando.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena

Trance is an elaborate tease. Trance is more mindless than mind-bending.

The best we can say about this is that it's better than Guy Ritchie.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

Boyle's showboating has none of the impact of the film's most memorable image, a sudden full-length shot of Rosario Dawson, as bare as a Renaissance Venus. This is a startling example of cinema's original and unsurpassed special effect: the human figure.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Trance isn't the director's best by a long shot, but it's a perfectly serviceable thriller with all Boyle's trademark flourishes.
Pete Vonder Haar-Houston Press

... a flashy time-killer, a hodgepodge of trompe l'oeil ruses that add up to your standard noir mystery, only tricked-out in the latest in digital effects.
Glenn Lovell-CinemaDope

Trance is a busy, glittering picture, but you never have much of a stake in the outlandish twists (unless you happen to take hypnotism very seriously).
Craig Seligman-Bloomberg News

Like any good thriller worth its weight in red herrings, Trance keeps the audience guessing for the vast majority of its running time.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

A beguilingly brilliant cinematic puzzle.
Ken Hanke-Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)

(Rosario) Dawson, in a performance worthy of an Academy Award nomination, reveals Lamb to be a wily fox able to outwit the stronger prey that surrounds her.
Bob Bloom-Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN)

Director Danny Boyle goes off the boil with this meandering Inception wannabe... far from being a clever, tense heist-film-with-a-twist Trance is a laboured, over-stylised slice of pseudo-psychological babble. And it's kind of dull.
Jim Schembri-3AW

An overly-preposterous, neo-Noir crime thriller that unravels its central mystery - and then collapses when bringing deeper significance to the proceedings.
Sandy Schaefer-ScreenRant

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